Interview Questions For Frontend Developers

Interview Questions For Frontend Developers

I recently switched my current job. So during this interview process, I came across some good interview questions which I would like to share with you all. I am just compiling some of the articles which helped me to get my answers.

Some Basic and Advanced javascript concepts

Many javascript concepts such as event loop, promises and async/await, etc are a bit confusing topics and these are the hot questions that are most likely to be asked in an interview. I came across an article that explains all these concepts in detail and along with gif representations. The article is by Lydia Hallie. JavaScript Visualized: the JavaScript Engine JavaScript Visualized Series' Articles

How to speed-up your Single-Page Application

For a frontend developer, it is an important question as to how we can speed up our page using different techniques. I found an article by Maksym Churylov which discussed the different ways in which we can improve our web page speed. How to speed-up your Single-Page Application How to speed-up your Single-Page Application

CSR vs SSR: Which method works the best?

The Concept of Client Side Rendering and Server Side Rendering, the difference between these two and when to implement what is well explained in the below article by Fiona Gurtiza. CSR vs SSR CSR vs SSR: Which method works the best?

9 tricks to eliminate render-blocking resources

Render Blocking resources are the contents that delay the browsers from rendering content on the screen example: script,stylesheet, or HTML imports. So to eliminate render-blocking resources we use different techniques. For more you can straight dive into the article by Anna Monus eliminate render blocking resources 5 tricks to eliminate render blocking resources

What is a CDN? | How do CDNs work?

In today's world, almost everything we access comes from CDN be it Netflix content or any website we access all are delivered to us by CDN. So it is important to know what is a CDN? and How do CDNs work? StockSnap_7RXXVCE42D.jpg What is a CDN? | How do CDNs work?

During the Interview process I learnt many new things. The Interview process can be a tiring process. You can feel low at times but as someone said

prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

All the best!!